
For a complete list of publications, please visit Dr. Bressler’s Google Scholar profile

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  1. Souto, B.A.; Hai, B.; Asomaning, J.; Bressler,D.C. Advancing characterization of pyrolysis products: Comprehensive gas chromatography methods for analytes in gas and liquid phases. Journal of Chromatography 2025, 465641.
  2. Gundupalli,  M.P.; Ansari, A.; da Costa, J.P.V.; Qiu, F.; Anderson, J.; Luckert, M.; Bressler, D.C. Bacterial single cell protein (BSCP): A sustainable protein source from methylobacterium species. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2024, 104426.
  3. Haddis, D.Z.; Chae, M.; Asomaning, J.; Bressler, D.C. Evaluation of steam explosion pretreatment on the cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) yield from poplar wood. Carbohydrate Polymers 2024, 323(1):121460.
  4. Hung, Y.H.R.; Chae, M.; Sauvageau, D.; Bressler, D.C. Adapted feeding strategies in fed-batch fermentation improve sugar delivery and ethanol productivity. Bioengineered 2023 14(1):2250950.
  5. Lawson, L.; Ford, M.; Hoque, M.S.; Chute, W.; Bressler, D.C.; Dolez, P.I. Processes and challenges for the manufacturing of Lyocell fibers with alternative agricultural feedstocks. Applies Sciences 2023, 13(23):12759. 
  6. Shui, T.; Li, A.; Chae, M.; Xu, C.C.; Bressler, D.C. Valorization strategies for hazardous proteinaceous waste from rendering production – Recent advances in specified risk materials (SRMs) conversion. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 453:131339.
  7. Zhu, J.; Zhu, Y.; Ye, Y.; Qiu, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Yu, Z.; Sun, X.; Bressler, D.C.; Jiang, F. Superelastic and ultralight aerogel assembled from hemp microfibers. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 33(22):2300893.
  8. Martinez-Villarreal, S.; Breitenstein, A.; Nimmegeers, P.; Saura, P.P.; Hai, B.; Asomaning, J.; Eslami, A.A.; Billen, P.; Van Passel, S.; Bressler, D.C.; Debecker, D.P.; Remacle, C.; Richel, A. Drop-in biofuels production from microalgae to hydrocarbons: Microalgal cultivation and harvesting, conversion pathways, economics and prospects for aviation. Biomass and Bioenergy 2022, 165:106555.
  9. Bartoli, M.; Zhu, C.; Asomaning, J.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D.C. Biosolids-based catalyst for oxidative desulphurization of drop-in fuels derived from waste fats. Fuel 2022, 324A:124546.
  10. Wang, J.; Singer, S.D.; Souto, B.A.; Asomaning, J.; Ullah, A.; Bressler, D.C.; Chen, G. Current progress in lipid-based biofuels: Feedstocks and production technologies. Bioresource Technology 2022, 351:127020.
  11. Bartoli, M.; Asomaning, J.; Xia, L.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D.C. Desulphurization of drop-in fuel produced through lipid pyrolysis using brown grease and biosolids feedstocks. Biomass and Bioenergy 2021,154:106233.
  12. Zhu, Y.; Chae, M.; Wang, J.; Adhikari, B.B.; Mussone, P.; Bressler, D.C. Biowaste-based biodegradable flocculants for clean and sustainable tailings management in industrial mining and mineral processing. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 323:129195.
  13. Yuzik, J.; Khatri, V.; Chae, M.; Mussone, P.; Bressler, D.C. Ruminant-Waste Protein Hydrolysates and Their Derivatives as a Bio-Flocculant for Oil Sands Tailing Management. Polymers 2021, 13(20):3533.
  14. Zhu, Y.; Gong, Y.; Kaminsky, H.; Chae, M.; Mussone, P.; Bressler, D.C. Using Specified Risk Materials-Based Peptides for Oil Sands Fluid Fine Tailings Management. Materials 2021, 14(7), 1582.
  15. Wang, J.; Chae, M.; Beyene, D.; Bressler, D.C.; Sauvageau, D. Co-production of ethanol and cellulose nanocrystals through self-cycling fermentation of wood pulp hydrolysate. Bioresource Technology 2021, 330: 124969.
  16. Zhu, Y.; Chae, M.; Adhikari, B.B.; Khatri, V.; Kaminsky, H.; Mussone, P.; Bressler, D.C. Valorizing Biowaste for Wastewater Treatment: Dewatering Sludges Using Specified Risk Material-Based Flocculants for Industrial Sustainability. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2021, 9(5):2037-2046.
  17. Bartoli, M.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D.C. Cellulose nanocrystals as natural feedstocks for advanced carbon materials. In Biochar: Emerging Applications, Tagliaferro, A.; Rosso, C.; Giorcelli, M., Ed. IOP Publishing Ltd: Turin, 2020; pp 6-1-6-13.
  18. Shui, T.; Khatri, V.; Chae, M.; Sokhansanj, S.; Choi, P.; Bressler, D.C. Development of a torrefied wood pellet binder from the cross-linking between specified risk materials-derived peptides and epoxidized poly (vinyl alcohol). Renewable Energy 2020, 162: 71.
  19. Bartoli, M.; Rosso, C.; Giorcelli, M.; Rovere, M.; Jagdale, P.; Tagliaferro, A.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C.  Effect of incorporation of microstructured carbonized cellulose on surface and mechanical properties of epoxy composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2020, 137, 48896.
  20. Omidghane, M.; Bartoli, M.; Asomaning, J.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D.C. Pyrolysis of fatty acids derived from hydrolysis of brown grease with biosolids. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2020, 27: 26395.
  21. Shui, T.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D.C. Cross-Linking of Thermally Hydrolyzed Specified Risk Materials with Epoxidized Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) for Tackifier Applications. Coatings 2020, 10(7), 630.
  22. Beyene, B.; Chae, M.; Vasanthan, T.; Bressler, D. C. A Biorefinery Strategy That Introduces Hydrothermal Treatment Prior to Acid Hydrolysis for Co-generation of Furfural and Cellulose Nanocrystals. Frontiers in Chemistry 2020, 8, 323. 
  23. Lu, Y.; Chae, M.; Vasanthan. T.; Bressler, D. C. The potential of fiber-depleted starch concentrate produced through air currents assisted particle separation of barley flour in bio-ethanol production. Bioresource Technology 2020, 303: 122942.
  24. Wang, J.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C.; Sauvageau, D. Improved bioethanol productivity through gas flow rate-driven self-cycling fermentation. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2020, 13, Article 14.
  25. Bartoli, M.; Zhu, C,; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C. Glycerol Acetylation Mediated by Thermally Hydrolysed Biosolids-Based Material. Catalysts 2020, 10(1), 5.
  26. Shui, T.; Adhikari, B. B.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C. Evaluation of thermally hydrolyzed specified risk materials cross-linked with glutaraldehyde for tackifier applications. Progress in Organic Coatings 2020, 140, 105535.
  27. Bartoli, M.; Giorcelli, M.; Jagdale, P.; Rovere, M.; Tagliaferro, A.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C. Shape tunability of carbonized cellulose nanocrystals. SN Applied Sciences 2019, 1, 1661.
  28. Xia, L.; Chae, M.; Asomaning, J.; Omidghane, M.; Zhu, C.; Bressler, D. C. Incorporation of Biosolids as Water Replacement in a Two-Step Renewable Hydrocarbon Process: Hydrolysis of Brown Grease with Biosolids. Waste and Biomass Valorization 2019.
  29. Adhikari, B. B.; Chae, M.; Zhu, C.; Khan, A.; Harfield, D.; Choi, P.; Bressler, D. C. Pelletization of Torrefied Wood Using a Proteinaceous Binder Developed from Hydrolyzed Specified Risk Materials. Processes 2019, 7(4), 229.
  30. Beyene, D.; Chae, M.; Dai, J.; Danumah, C.; Tosto, F.; Getachew Demesa, A.; Bressler, D. C. Characterization of Cellulase-Treated Fibers and Resulting Cellulose Nanocrystals Generated through Acid Hydrolysis. Materials 2018, 11, 1272-1287. 
  31. Dai, J.; Chae, M.; Beyene, D.; Danumah, C.; Tosto, F.; Bressler, D. C. Co-Production of Cellulose Nanocrystals and Fermentable Sugars Assisted by Endoglucanase Treatment of Wood Pulp. Materials 2018, 11, 1645-1659.
  32. Bartoli, M.; Zhu, C.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C. Value-Added Products from Urea Glycerolysis Using a Heterogeneous Biosolids-Based Catalyst. Catalysts 2018, 8, 373-385.
  33. Chae, M.; Xia, L.; Zhu, C.; Bressler, D. C. Accelerating settling rates of biosolids lagoons through thermal hydrolysis. J Environ Manage 2018, 220, 227-232.
  34. Asomaning, J.; Haupt, S.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C. Recent developments in microwave-assisted thermal conversion of biomass for fuels and chemicals. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2018,92, 642-657.
  35. Adhikari, B. B.; Kislitsin, V.; Appadu, P.; Chae, M.; Choi, P.; Bressler, D. C. Development of hydrolysed protein-based plywood adhesive from slaughterhouse waste: effect of chemical modification of hydrolysed protein on moisture resistance of formulated adhesives. RSC Advances 2018, 8 (6), 2996-3008.
  36. Adhikari, B. B.; Chae, M.; Bressler, C. D. Utilization of Slaughterhouse Waste in Value-Added Applications: Recent Advances in the Development of Wood Adhesives. Polymers 2018, 10 (2).
  37. Wang, J.; Chae, M.; Sauvageau, D.; Bressler, D. C. Improving ethanol productivity through self-cycling fermentation of yeast: a proof of concept. Biotechnol Biofuels 2017, 10, 193.
  38. Omidghane, M.; Jenab, E.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C. Production of Renewable Hydrocarbons by Thermal Cracking of Oleic Acid in the Presence of Water. Energy & Fuels 2017, 31 (9), 9446-9454.
  39. George, M.; Bressler, D. C. Comparative evaluation of the environmental impact of chemical methods used to enhance natural fibres for composite applications and glass fibre based composites. Journal of Cleaner Production 2017, 149, 491-501.
  40. Beyene, D.; Chae, M.; Dai, J.; Danumah, C.; Tosto, F.; Getachew Demesa, A.; Bressler, D. C. Enzymatically-Mediated Co-Production of Cellulose Nanocrystals and Fermentable Sugars. Catalysts 2017, 7 (11), 322.
  41. Adhikari, B. B.; Appadu, P.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C., Protein-based Wood Adhesives: Current Trends of Preparation and Application. In Bio-based Wood Adhesives: Preparation, Characterization, and Testing, He, Z., Ed. CRC Press: Boca Raton, 2017; pp 1-58.
  42. Parashar, A.; Jin, Y.; Mason, B.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C. Incorporation of whey permeate, a dairy effluent, in ethanol fermentation to provide a zero waste solution for the dairy industry. J Dairy Sci 2016, 99 (3), 1859-1867.
  43. Mekonnen, T.; Mussone, P.; Bressler, D. Valorization of rendering industry wastes and co-products for industrial chemicals, materials and energy: review. Critical reviews in biotechnology 2016, 36 (1), 120-131.
  44. Jin, Y.; Parashar, A.; Mason, B.; Bressler, D. C. Simultaneous hydrolysis and co-fermentation of whey lactose with wheat for ethanol production. Bioresource Technology 2016, 221, 616-624.
  45. Ghatora, S.; Kumar, M.; Vaezi, M.; Kumar, A.; Bressler, D. Monitoring sugar release during pipeline hydro-transport of wheat straw. Biomass and Bioenergy 2016, 93, 144-149.
  46. George, M.; Mussone, P. G.; Bressler, D. C. Surface and Bulk Transformation of Thermomechanical Pulp Using Fatty Acyl Chlorides: Influence of Reaction Parameters on Surface, Morphological, and Thermal Properties. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology 2016, 36 (2), 114-128.
  47. George, M.; Mussone, P. G.; Bressler, D. C. Surface and thermal enhancement of the cellulosic component of thermo mechanical pulp using a rapid method: Iodomethane modification. Carbohydrate polymers 2016, 142, 300-308.
  48. George, M.; Mussone, P. G.; Bressler, D. C. Utilization of tall oil to enhance natural fibers for composite applications and production of a bioplastic. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2016, 133 (48), 1-13.
  49. George, M.; Mussone, P.; Alemaskin, K.; Chae, M.; Wolodko, J.; Bressler, D. Enzymatically treated natural fibres as reinforcing agents for biocomposite material: mechanical, thermal, and moisture absorption characterization. Journal of Materials Science 2016, 51 (5), 2677-2686.
  50. George, M.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C. Composite materials with bast fibres: Structural, technical, and environmental properties. Progress in Materials Science 2016, 83, 1-23.
  51. Birendra, B. A.; Pooran, A.; Vadim, K.; Michael, C.; Phillip, C.; David, C. B. Enhancing the Adhesive Strength of a Plywood Adhesive Developed from Hydrolyzed Specified Risk Materials. Polymers 2016, 8 (8), 285.
  52. Asomaning, J.; Omidghane, M.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C. Thermal processing of algal biomass for biofuel production. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2016, 2, 1-5.
  53. Mekonnen, T. H.; Mussone, P. G.; El‐Thaher, N.; Choi, P.; Bressler, D. C. Subcritical hydrolysis and characterization of waste proteinaceous biomass for value added applications. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 2015, 90 (3), 476-483.
  54. Mekonnen, T. H.; Mussone, P. G.; Choi, P.; Bressler, D. C. Development of Proteinaceous Plywood Adhesive and Optimization of Its Lap Shear Strength. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2015, 300 (2), 198-209.
  55. Ikeda, Y.; Parashar, A.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C. Reusability of Immobilized Cellulases with Highly Retained Enzyme Activity and their Application for the Hydrolysis of Model Substrates and Lignocellulosic Biomass. Journal of Thermodynamics & Catalysis 2015, 6 (2), 1-7.
  56. George, M.; Mussone, P. G.; Bressler, D. C. Improving the accessibility of hemp fibres using caustic to swell the macrostructure for enzymatic enhancement. Industrial Crops & Products 2015, 67, 74-80.
  57. George, M.; Mussone, P. G.; Bressler, D. C. Modification of the cellulosic component of hemp fibers using sulfonic acid derivatives: Surface and thermal characterization. Carbohydrate polymers 2015, 134, 230-239.
  58. Naguleswaran, S.; Vasanthan, T.; Hoover, R.; Chen, L.; Bressler, D. Molecular characterisation of waxy corn and barley starches in different solvent systems as revealed by MALLS. Food chemistry 2014, 152, 297-299.
  59. Naguleswaran, S.; Vasanthan, T.; Hoover, R.; Bressler, D. Amylolysis of amylopectin and amylose isolated from wheat, triticale, corn and barley starches. Food Hydrocolloids 2014, 35, 686-693.
  60. Mekonnen, T. H.; Mussone, P. G.; Choi, P.; Bressler, D. C. Adhesives from Waste Protein Biomass for Oriented Strand Board Composites: Development and Performance. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2014, 299 (8), 1003-1012.
  61. Li, J.; Vasanthan, T.; Gao, J.; Naguleswaran, S.; Zijlstra, R. T.; Bressler, D. C., Resistant Starch Escaped from Ethanol Production: Evidence from Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy of Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS). 2014; Vol. 91(2), pp 130–138.
  62. Jenab, E.; Mussone, P.; Nam, G.; Bressler, D. Production of Renewable Hydrocarbons from Thermal Conversion of Abietic Acid and Tall Oil Fatty Acids. Energy & Fuels 2014, 28 (11), 6988-6994.
  63. Ikeda, Y.; Parashar, A.; Bressler, D. Highly retained enzymatic activities of two different cellulases immobilized on non-porous and porous silica particles. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 2014, 19 (4), 621-628.
  64. Görgens, J. F.; Bressler, D. C.; van Rensburg, E., Engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae for direct conversion of raw, uncooked or granular starch to ethanol. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 2014; 35(3), 369-391.
  65. George, M.; Mussone, P. G.; Bressler, D. C. Surface and thermal characterization of natural fibres treated with enzymes. Industrial Crops and Products 2014, 53, 365-373.
  66. George, M.; Mussone, P. G.; Abboud, Z.; Bressler, D. C. Characterization of chemically and enzymatically treated hemp fibres using atomic force microscopy and spectroscopy. Applied Surface Science 2014, 314, 1019-1025.
  67. Espinosa-Gonzalez, I.; Parashar, A.; Chae, M.; Bressler, D. C. Cultivation of oleaginous yeast using aqueous fractions derived from hydrothermal pretreatments of biomass. Bioresour Technol 2014, 170, 413-420.
  68. Espinosa-Gonzalez, I.; Parashar, A.; Bressler, D. C. Heterotrophic growth and lipid accumulation of Chlorella protothecoides in whey permeate, a dairy by-product stream, for biofuel production. Bioresource Technology 2014, 155, 170-176.
  69. Espinosa-Gonzalez, I.; Parashar, A.; Bressler, D. C. Hydrothermal treatment of oleaginous yeast for the recovery of free fatty acids for use in advanced biofuel production. Journal of biotechnology 2014, 187, 10-15.
  70. Espinosa-Gonzalez, I.; Asomaning, J.; Mussone, P.; Bressler, D. C. Two-step thermal conversion of oleaginous microalgae into renewable hydrocarbons. Bioresource Technology 2014, 158, 91-97.
  71. Asomaning, J.; Mussone, P.; Bressler, D. C. Pyrolysis of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fuel Processing Technology 2014, 120, 89-95.
  72. Asomaning, J.; Mussone, P.; Bressler, D. C. Two-stage thermal conversion of inedible lipid feedstocks to renewable chemicals and fuels. Bioresource Technology 2014, 158, 55-62.
  73. Asomaning, J.; Mussone, P.; Bressler, D. C. Thermal cracking of free fatty acids in inert and light hydrocarbon gas atmospheres. Fuel 2014, 126, 250-255.
  74. Naguleswaran, S.; Vasanthan, T.; Hoover, R.; Bressler, D. The susceptibility of large and small granules of waxy, normal and high-amylose genotypes of barley and corn starches toward amylolysis at sub-gelatinization temperatures. Food Research International 2013, 51 (2), 771-782.
  75. Mekonnen, T. H.; Mussone, P. G.; Stashko, N.; Choi, P. Y.; Bressler, D. C. Recovery and characterization of proteinacious material recovered from thermal and alkaline hydrolyzed specified risk materials. Process Biochemistry 2013, 48 (5-6), 885.
  76. Mekonnen, T.; Mussone, P.; Khalil, H.; Bressler, D., Progress in bio-based plastics and plasticizing modifications.Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1, 13379-13398.
  77. Mekonnen, T.; Mussone, P.; El-Thaher, N.; Choi, P. Y. K.; Bressler, D. C. Thermosetting Proteinaceous Plastics from Hydrolyzed Specified Risk Material. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2013, 298 (12), 1294-1303.
  78. Mekonnen, T.; Mussone, P.; Alemaskin, K.; Sopkow, L.; Wolodko, J.; Choi, P.; Bressler, D., Biocomposites from hydrolyzed waste proteinaceous biomass: mechanical, thermal and moisture absorption performances. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1, 13186-13196.
  79. El-Thaher, N.; Mussone, P.; Bressler, D.; Choi, P., Kinetics Study of Curing Epoxy Resins with Hydrolyzed Proteins and the Effect of Denaturants Urea and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2013, 2(2)282-287.
  80. El-Thaher, N.; Mekonnen, T.; Mussone, P.; Bressler, D.; Choi, P., Effects of Electrolytes, Water, and Temperature on Cross-Linking of Glutaraldehyde and Hydrolyzed Specified Risk Material. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2013, 52(14) 4987-4993.
  81. El-Thaher, N.; Mekonnen, T.; Mussone, P.; Bressler, D.; Choi, P. Nonisothermal DSC Study of Epoxy Resins Cured with Hydrolyzed Specified Risk Material. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2013, 52 (24), 8189-8199.
  82. Beres, B.; Pozniak, C.; Bressler, D.; Gibreel, A.; Eudes, F.; Graf, R.; Randhawa, H.; Salmon, D.; McLeod, G.; Dion, Y.; Irvine, B.; Voldeng, H.; Martin, R.; Pageau, D.; Comeau, A.; DePauw, R.; Phelps, S.; Spaner, D. A Canadian Ethanol Feedstock Study to Benchmark the Relative Performance of Triticale: II. Grain Quality and Ethanol Production. Agronomy Journal 2013, 105 (6), 1707.
  83. Asomaning, J.; Mussone, P.; Bressler, D. C. Thermal deoxygenation and pyrolysis of oleic acid. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2013, 105, 1-7.